Culinary Water
Unfortunatley water turn off's continue to be a problem and in an effort to streamline the process some minor changes have been made.
If you are behind we usually try and bring a door hanger on the Thursday before shut-offs. Shut-off's are usually the third Tuesday of each month. To be more efficient with our limited manpower, shut off's are now completed before the office opens on that Tuesday morning. This means if you have not paid your bill on Monday before 5:00 pm your water will be shut off before you get the opportunity to pay. We are not trying to create a hard ship but be as efficient as possible with our small workforce.
If you have any questions about the process please call the city offices at 435 635-2581 and we will be happy to explain the procedure.
Resolution R-2018-24 Culinary Water Rate Increase
During and subsequent to completion of the Master Plan (2018), the City has experienced rising costs of operation
and maintenance of its water system, especially due to breaks in water lines which have quickly and
repeatedly absorbed annual system repair budgets. Other incidental system costs are also rising and
projected to rise, including additional operational efforts due to rising populations, legislative mandates, and
development of water sources. These factors have caused the City Council and staff to look closely at the
need for a rate increase to: 1) partially correct suppressed water rates resulting from approximately 18 years
without a rate increase, 2) address growing operational and maintenance costs, and 3) more aggressively
fund renewal and replacement projects on the aging system.
Based on the factors summarized above, effective Nov 1, 2018 there will be an increase to the base rate of all culinary water end users.
Click here to read the attached preface letter from Sunrise Engineering for further detail.
Click here to read resolution.