December Meetings & Events

Dec. 1:                  Beautification Committee Meeting – 5:00 PM at 111 South Main Street Dec. 1:                  City Council Meeting – 6:00 PM at 111 South Main Street Dec.
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Wreaths Across America

Wreaths Across America
The City of La Verkin will be joining the “Wreaths Across America” movement by placing a wreath on every Veteran’s grave in the La Verkin City cemetery. On Saturday, December 18th at 10:00 AM at the city cemetery there will be a short program to honor those men and women who served. Following the program the wreaths will be placed.
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November Meetings and Events

Nov. 3:                  City Council Meeting – 6:00 PM at 111 South Main Street Nov. 9:                  Hurricane Valley Tourism Meeting – 3:00 PM at 435 North Main Street Nov.
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Cops n Cars

Cops n Cars
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2021 AT 10 AM MDT La Verkin Elementary School .
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End of Summer Water Day, August 6, Wanlass Park

End of Summer Water Day, August 6, Wanlass Park
Just a reminder we will be having our "End of Summer" water day this Friday August 6th at Wanlass Park from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Come out and get wet. .
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August Meetings and Events

Here are the public meetings and events coming for August   Aug. 4:                  City Council Meeting at 6:00 PM – 111 South Main Street Aug. 6:                  End of Summer Water Day – Wanlass Park – 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Aug.
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July Meetings and Events

Citizens, Here are the meetings and activities coming up for July: Jul. 3:                    Independence Day Celebration starting at 8:00 AM with a parade and then program and activities at Wanlass Park. Jul.
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City Meetings and Events

Here are the events & meeting scheduled for June: Jun. 2:                   Beautification Committee Meeting – 5:00 PM at 111 South Main Street Jun. 2:                   City Council Meeting – 6:00 PM at 111 South Main Street Jun.
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Annual 4th of July Celebration

Annual 4th of July Celebration
Join the fun at La Verkin City's annual Independence Day celebration! 8:00 AM - Parade down Main Street - Line up starts at 111 South Main (Old White Church) @ 7:30 AM 8:45 AM - Flag Raising and Patriotic Program @ Wanless Park, 321 No. Main St. , La Verkin 9:00 AM - Games, Food, Races, Continuous Entertainment @ Wanless Park, 321 No.
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Easter Egg Hunt, April 3, 9 AM sharp!

Easter Egg Hunt, April 3, 9 AM sharp!
La Verkin City is excited to be presenting the annual Easter Egg Hunt this year. It will be held April 3, Saturday at 9AM sharp! Location is Wanless Park at 321 No. Main St.
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